Monday, May 3, 2010

The End of My Challenge

As salaamu alaikum,

May 1, 2010 was my deadline for the challenge. No I didn't win and complete the sura, but I made it to aya 43 (yaay!!!) and that was a challenge indeed. How did you do? Did you get at least 1 aya? If you did alhamdulillah. If you didn't alhamdulillah.

But I tell ya... Even though I completely bummed out, I didn't make it halfway to my goal :( , I surely am excited. Even though I can still, just audibly, hear the creeping whispers of shaitan trying to discourage me from moving forward, I am mightily excited indeed. I'm sure you're wondering why I am so excited even though I didn't complete the sura. So I'll tell you.

The reason I am memorizing Qur'an is not only to finish it and be able to know that I memorized the book of Allah, but it is so that I can be purified, completed, and perfected by the book of Allah. Any progress I make towards that goal is mightily exciting indeed.

The only thing I am disappointed about is that I failed to keep you posted as I progressed through the signs of Allah. I got stuck on aya 7, and just couldn't seem to get passed that blockage. But with the help of Allah, anything is possible. So Bismillah (in the name of God) on with the show!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. MashAllah, we all have our ups and downs.

    I'm still looking forward to learning more though, because I've learned alot so far, so keep us posted!

  3. I haven't read in a minute, but I am back. Alhamdulillah.. you know you put May 1, 2007, right? I would be the only one to point that out lol. Anyway, I a, proud of you for sticking to it even though it got a little difficult. Also, I want you to know that I am going to copy off of you and start a blog about me doin 40 hadith. Lol. anyway, let me finish reading what I have missed.

  4. Hey, at least you came back! May Allah bless you and renew your determination and purify your intentions. I'm trying to learn a new surah too- nothing as long as Al Baqarah- SubhanAllah- but it's longer than anything I've memorized previously, so I have a mental block about starting. But you're starting again too, and I will too, InshaAllah. We can trade duas. :)

  5. be easy on yourself and diligent on the path you have chosen to learn the Quran, that comes first and foremost- the journal is not the most important part of the journey.
    Also, once your heart is filled with the Quran there is little space for anything else. As you increase your studies you will find that not only is it hard to maintain other activities, they will actually become less important to you. My prayers are with you.

  6. One voice of manyJune 2, 2010 at 4:07 AM

    Umm that's the same with me stuck on Ayat 7. I start it then I stop. Allah willing, I am waiting to start it with determination.
