Thursday, December 2, 2010

Closing Statements

As salaamu alaikum,

Yesterday morning I finished Ali Imran. It was an expanding experience. I had a conversation with Master Yoda which I was never previously able to engage in. Not only did I gain a better understanding of sura Baqara, but I also learned about how and who can interpret Qur'an, the place of Christians and Jews in Islam, lineage of the prophets, Saint Maryum (Mary) God's peace be upon her, and so much more.

I feel like I've entered a peaceful room. Ali Imran has satiated my thirst for a cool drink of water and created a stream of knowledge to my heart. I hope I continue to be illuminated by the endless knowledge Allah has revealed to us in this sura. May Allah firmly establish it in our hearts.

Let's see. Maybe we can summarize some of it's awesomeness.